Annual Events

Here at Wolston Farm there are a number of events we hold every year, the exact dates change so check the calendar for the most current information.  

Shearing Day -- We have our sheep shorn of their wool before we start lambing as once the sheep start to lamb the wool quality deteriorates. Whether the event is open to the public depends on how the weather is and how much help we have. When it is open to the public you can buy some of the fleeces right of the sheep if you wish. (usually held the first Saturday in March)

Raven, a lamb and children at Meet the Lambs dayMeet the lambs day -- This is our most popular event. Once lambing is in full swing we open up the farm for people to come out and visit with the lambs. All the lambs get names (see the naming of the lambs page for all the names) and volunteers are on hand to allow you to pet the lambs and answer your questions. If we have bottle babies they are available for visitors to feed. Weather permitting there are also sheepdog demonstrations throughout the day. (usually held the second Saturday in April)

Northwest Championship Sheep Dog Trial -- Held the third weekend in May. Whistle & Crook Stock Dog Services hosts this event at our farm, held simultaniously with the Linn County Lamb and Wool Fair, it is the oldest continuoulsy held sheepdog trial in the country

Sheep Thrillz Stock Dog Trial -- This is our big sheepdog trial, it lasts 4 days and culminates in a double lift on the final day, the ultimate challenge for a sheepdog. (usually held the second weekend in July)

Boo and Baa Stock Dog Trial -- Now a two day trial this trial is unusual in that many of the competitors compete in costumes on the Saturday  (usually held the weekend closest to Halloween)

Brr and Baa Stock Dog Trial  -- Typically held the first weekend in January, combined with Boo and Baa it represents our winter championship. Due to wet ground at that time of year this trial is not usually open to spectators.   

Wolston Farm - 39562 Hwy 226 Scio OR 97374 - 541-971-0372 -