The Sheep of Wolston Farm
Here at Wolston Farms we raise our sheep primarily for their wool
We make into a wide range of products and also sell as raw fleece or yarns. About 1/3 of our flock are purebred Shetlands but we also have Scottish Blackface and what we call Wolston Sheep that are a mix primarily of Shetland, Scottish Blackface, Black Welsh Mountain with a bit of Romney, Lincoln and a few other things.
We care a great deal about providing the best possible environment for our animals. We are in the proces of replacing all the fencing with sheep and goat fence and revitalizing the pastures. We have learned through work done at OSU that our land here does not provide the minerals sheep need and that feeding suplemental mineral is now a year round requirement to maximize sheep health. All our lambs are raised on mothers milk and pasture grass, no hormones, antibiotics, drugs or artificial supplements are used. Our sheep now have free access to mineral and fresh water year round, during the winter the pasture is supplemented with grass and alfalfa hay.
Currently we occasional sell live sheep to others looking to start or expand their flocks or for use in training herding dogs. The primitive breeds which include Shetlands, Scottish Blackface and Black Welsh Mountain are excellent for training sheepdogs as they do not get "dog broke" easily and are fairly independent which keeps the dogs honest and paying attention to ALL their sheep.